L Segment Cup Grinding Wheels for Floor Preparation CW-05

Project Description

L Segment Cup Grinding Wheels for Floor Preparation CW-05

Concrete polishing is a green product with much more low-cost option for customers, it has low maintenance operation (no need to rip up or replace the floor surface and send the dirt to the landfill), the most important it won’t break down like other flooring materials.

Most of the polishing job is to polish with the old concrete, it’s not difficult to create a new look for customers. The most attractive point would be cost benefit for end users and provide an opportunity for contractors to re-polish in the future.

L segment is larger than regular segment which is more suitable to use in the open scale region. The lifespan is also much longer when operation.


Segment height: 10mm

Grit: 6#/16#/30-400#

Bore: 22.23mm, 5/8-11, M14

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