Cup Wheels

The cup wheels is a segmented diamond wheel used to shape hard surfaces while actively removing coatings, adhesives and thin layers. Cup wheels ensure quick grinding and finishing of concrete, granite and other stones under dry or wet conditions. These grinding tools are diamond-impregnation well suited on corridor, corner, stair etc. Radsen offers cup wheels in a variety of sizes and a variety of styles to choose from.

special segment cup wheels

Special Segment Cup Wheels CW-07

Our new turbo segment cup wheels CW-07 is the most effective tool for grinding or remove concrete coatings.

L Segment Cup Grinding Wheels for Concrete Grinding CW-04

L Segment Cup Grinding Wheels for Concrete Grinding CW-04

L segment cup grinding wheels for concrete grinding CW-04 is an aggressive tool similar to a cup, it is ideal for large aggregate exposure on open coatings.

T Segment Diamond Grinding Cup Wheel CW-03

T Segment Diamond Grinding Cup Wheel CW-03

T segment diamond grinding cup wheels are suitable for soft to abrasive concrete and other masonry materials.

arrow segment diamond cup grinding wheels for concrete cw-02

Arrow Segment Diamond Cup Grinding Wheels for Concrete CW-02

Arrow segment diamond cup grinding wheel CW-02 is designed for rapid removal of thin layers, glues and adhesives, this small arrowhead segment is ideal for concrete floor preparation.

l segment cup grinding wheels for floor preparation cw-05

L Segment Cup Grinding Wheels for Floor Preparation CW-05

Concrete polishing is a green product with much more low-cost option for customers, it has low maintenance operation.

Arrow Segment Cup Grinding Wheels for Floor Polishing CW-01

The arrow segment cup grinding wheels is used to grind rough floor surfaces, hard concrete, and to remove resin, epoxy, elastic coating and other coatings on large concrete and masonry areas.

Cup Wheels bottom Seo info